Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A Christian's Life Purpose

My goal in life is not to find happiness or to seek happiness. I already have found everything I need and more in Christ. Now, my life's purpose is to give out to others. To live a life poured out in service to my Heavenly Father. To glorify the Lord in everything I do, say, and think. To walk in holiness and the fear of the Lord. To be a radiant testimony to all the world around me!

~Crystal Paine

This powerful and inspiring quote was taken from one of Crystal's comments in the comments section of this post on Crystal's Blog.

I've never heard anyone communicate so profoundly and so succinctly what should be the driving life purpose of every Christian. What a different attitude this conveys than that of the Christian who is in the same rat race as the rest of the world, still trying to find his purpose in life. I do believe my inverted outlook (now isn't that an oxymoron!) on life has been forever shifted. Thank you, Crystal!


At November 02, 2005 5:02 PM, Crystal said...

Praise the Lord, Natalie. I have been praying recently that the Lord would write through me, speak through me, love through me, and live through me. If there is anything good or inspirational that you see in my life, it is God and His grace, not me.


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